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Blade Birra Moretti Starter Pack + Free Merch Kit

Blade Birra Moretti Starter Pack + Free Merch Kit

Blade Birra Moretti Starter Pack + Free Merch Kit

div class=row-packdetail-containerdiv class=row-packdetail image-zoomdiv class=detail-content-blockdiv class=product-info-container bw-mt-4 bw-px-4div class=product-descriptionGet this BLADE Birra Moretti Starter Pack complete with a Birra Moretti Merch Kit to add a personalised touch to your home draught experience.The package includes:1x BLADE machine1x BLADE dome (for on top of the machine)1x 8L Birra Moretti keg1x Birra Moretti tap handle1x Birra Moretti sticker/div/div/div/div/divdiv class=rowdiv class=small-12 columnsdiv class=component-page-rows bottom-spacingdiv class=single-content-row/div/div/div/div

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